Ponpoko's Quake 2 Bot.

This site is contained strange English words!


Simple Voice Chat Tool.

I'm using simple voice chat tool for playing Team Fortress 2.

It's auto-key-press software for voice chat.

-> VC Asshole


Planing about lag simulator for Quake II.

I'm planning Java lag simulator.
This application for making lag at LAN environment(by using datagram packet proxy server).

But I must return to working on AI tweaking and deathmatch mode 2.


3ZB2 launcher(TEST).

I released test version of Java 3ZB II launcher.
this application is developped mainly for other platform OS(but work on Windows).
read this document.

Acid Scorpion's frontend.

Acid Scorpion is planning about new 3ZB2K frontend.
Native coded this application will provide better performance than Java application.


3ZB-Utility's test release! I'll finish this weekend.

I'm programming this application for 3ZB-NISEN(Next release).
I successed to diaplay player's ICON image.


New CTF routes

I have added new routes(XMAPS) to CTF route section.


Board has moved

Message board has moved to here.(thanks 006.9[RsF])

Deathmatch mode 2 screen shots


Happy new year!

I still busy for my real life job since last month,but I will pass peak of busy at an early date.

I'm still working for 3ZB II and I finished to install Win98,GeForce videocard,34GByte HD last week.

Acid Scorpion's launcher

Acid Scorpion released new bot launcher for 3ZB II.You can download from his homepage!


006.9's route page for NS

006.9[RsF] created route files(*.chn) page for Netscape browser.Go here!

Maj.Bitch's source code.

Maj.Bitch provided me source codes. It make bots to emulate client connection(current version of my bot is not supported these codes).
I'll refer to these and implement to 3ZB II.Thanks.


Message board

006.9[RsF] setuped message board for 3ZBII.(Thanks 006.9)

When is 0.98?

I want to release one more test version(0.97x) before release 0.98.



I released v0.97d(DLL only release).0.97b will cause sometime fatal error(Thanks 006.9[RsF]). 0.97d is bug fixed version for 0.97b.

006.9's route files.

006.9[RsF] added more route files for 3ZB II in his site(RsF HQ).

Linux port of 3ZB II 0.97.

Richard Hess(super programmer) released Linux version of 3ZBII 0.97.You can download from Linux Q2 Project.

Where is launcher?

Acid Scorpion(auther of 3ZBII launcher)'s page was deleted.He is creating new site on other server.



I released v0.97b(DLL only release).This is bug fixed version for 0.97.

If you have lmctf map21-30,please play on those maps by using this route pack(put under chctf directory).

chflm2130_pk.zip(284k bytes).


006.9's routes.

006.9[RsF] added a lot of route files to his site(RsF HQ). Total 78 routes in there.You can search routes by using his cool database searching system.

Next release.

0.97 is still may cause "PF_setmodel: NULL" error.But it don't cause on current version in my local machine.
I want to release v0.98 near day of 11/23-11/24.Possibly,I want to activate "ctf 2" in v0.98.
And I'm creating ctf routes for lmctf21-30.


006.9's Users guide.

006.9[RsF] released Users guide for 3ZBII 0.97.
This guide has been changed from old guide a lot.

You can download from module page.

Acid Scorpion's 3ZBII launcher.

Acid Scorpion released launcher for 3ZBII.You can download from here.

BeOS version of 3ZBII 0.97.

Richard Hess released BeOS version of 3ZBII 0.97.You can download from BeOS Q2 Project.
Maj.Bitch's LCC compatible source set for 0.97.

Maj.Bitch has provided me LCC compatible source set.
You can download from module page.

Added links.

I have added these links.

MoRaT's The Rats Lair


0.97 and source released.

I released v0.97 of my bot.CTF mode is still test version.

-fixed some grapple's bug.
-fixed dropped Quad-damage's time.(Catfish found)
-added more CTF team playing AI.
-added avoiding against laser.
-changed to more better route selecting.

I hope never cause "PF_setmodel: NULL" error.
sv rspb(random spawn) will make spawn bot even team(ctf mode).


0.97 release is this weekend.

CTF mode contains many problems.I fixed it.

And now,bot can avoid lasers.

Fatal bug?

006.9[RsF] encountered this message when playing CTF,but I have never see this message.Do anyone have seen this message?

>ERROR: PF_setmodel: NULL
>==== ShutdownGame ====


0.96 released(CTF test).

I released v0.96 of my bot.This version is supported CTF mode.
About CTF mode,this version contains only basic job assingn and CTF AI.
CTF route files are archived(3 maps q2ctf1,q2ctf2,q2ctf3).
These route files are put in "/3zb2/chctf/*.chf".


I must read a lot of mails(about 2 weeks) in this week
because I can't read/write English without dictionary.


CTF mode is put off to next week.

Sorry,this weekend was very busy to do cleaning in my room. Owner of apartment got angry and commanded me "clean up your untidy room!" :(
If you interest in about 3zb2 CTF mode.Please watch this 3zb2ctfdemo.dm2(46k bytes) and wait for next weekend.

And now,lating for reply to mail.
